Visit our library of corporate
and financial documents

View all present and past documents published by the Group including Annual and Interim Reports, Corporate Overviews, Governance and compensation Reports and Annual General Meeting documents.

Financial Reports

  • 2024 Interim Report
  • 2024 H1 MD&A

Annual General Meeting

  • Invitation à l'Assemblée générale de Kudelski S.A.
  • Procès-verbal Assemblée générale 2024
  • Résultats des votes Assemblée générale 2024

Articles of association

  • Access to Kudelski's Articles of Association of 19.04.2024

Corporate Documentation

Significant shareholders

  • Announcement of 01.07.2017
  • Announcement of 03.06.2015
  • Announcement of 23.03.2013
  • Announcement of 06.02.2013

Policies and Statements

  • Kudelski Group's Supplier Code of Conduct of 23.04.2023
  • Kudelski Group Modern Slavery Statement of 30.09.2024