Visit our library of corporate
and financial documents

View all present and past documents published by the Group including Annual and Interim Reports, Corporate Overviews, Governance and compensation Reports and Annual General Meeting documents.

Annual General Meeting

  • Invitation à l'Assemblée Générale de Kudelski SA du 15 mars 2018
  • Minutes Assemblée Générale

Financial Reports

  • 2018 Interim Report
  • 2018 MD & A
  • 2018 Financial Report
  • 2018 Annual Report
  • Rapport Annuel 2018

Corporate Overview

  • 2018 Corporate Brochure

Compensation Report

  • 2018 Compensation Report
  • Rapport de rémunération 2018

Corporate Governance

  • 2018 Corporate Governance
  • Gouvernement d'entreprise 2018